Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pineapple Tamales

I am a student again!!! But this time my studies are much closer to my senses. Today I started a diploma in the traditional Mexican cuisine and I am more than happy to share with you my new educational creations. Enjoy!

200 gr pork fat
500 gr rice flower
½ can condensed sweat milk
1 can of sliced pineapple
1 teaspoon of yeast
10 corn leaves
250 gr of ate

· Soak the corn leaves in water for 4 hours.
· Mix the pork fat till it becomes spongy.
· Slowly add rice flower, yeast and condensed milk; keep mixing till it becomes spongy.
· Add a bit of pineapple juice from the can if the mixture is too dry.
· Stop mixing and add chopped pineapple.
· Fill the corn leaves at the thicker end with the mixture and place a piece of ate in each tamal. Fold the tamal.
· Place the tamales standing into a steamer and steam for about 40 minutes.

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