Sunday, April 15, 2012

Organic Roses: not as common as you think

All ladies love flowers. There is no question about this. It's simple genetics really. Kind of like chocolate. But, what if you can not only receive (or give of course) a spectacular bouquet of roses but instead of admiring their daring bloody looks and arousing smell, you can also taste them? You could go the extra mile there in terms of lady seduction.

As part of my adventure into the world of aphrodisiacs, I have been hunting for either roses or other seductive flower flavors. I do have experiments scattered around my fridge and freezer either marinating or freezing and they will be out here once finished but  before, I would like to note a piece of advice.

When choosing edible flowers you can't just go to your next door flower shop and buy a bunch to put on your plate. You need to find organic flowers that don't have any type of chemical on them as they do go into your bloodstream eventually.

Apparently organic roses are very hard to find, even in the mighty queen of all things organic, the state of California. Roses, being all tough and beautiful scaring with their defensive spikes, actually are extremely prone to all kinds of diseases and the farmers just don't want to deal with their fussiness so they spray them with fertilizers and chemicals to keep them pretty. It really is a "look but don't touch" concept. 

But roses have so much more potential. Now I really like them damn it. Just because they only seam accessible.

In the meantime there are a few ways to improvise when preparing rosy meals. You can rose up your dishes by using rose water and rose jam. These are available in the middle eastern supermarkets or some gourmet stores. I did go to Wholefoods and Trader Joe's and no, they don't have them so don't waist your time and energy there. You can also buy them on Amazon, which is probably the most practical anyway. Here are the links:

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