Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How to eat a taco

Eating tacos has more science to it than you think. First of all there are many types of tacos.  Some are more appropriate for the morning hours (guisados) and some are just fine for lunch (costilla, bistec, etc.).  Some are perfect for any time of night and day (pastor).  More importantly, here are some golden rules to the art of having your taco:

  1. Always eat your taco with your hand;

  2. Never let go of your taco until its gone;

  3. Order your tacos one by one or else you are having cold meat and it will taste like such;

  4. Always add lime and salsa;

  5. Be colorful: if you don't know which salsa to use, go for the one that contrasts more with the color of your taco;

  6. Do have a beer with your taco if possible;

  7. Be nice to your taco man;

  8. Three is usually enough unless you want to roll around the city for the rest of the day;

  9. Enjoy the mighty taco!!!

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