Friday, June 25, 2010

Los Danzantes: 15th Anniversary

Ok so I’m a bit late on this one but if you see this post before June 27th run as fast as you can to the restaurant Los Danzantes in Coyoacan. The reason is that Los Danzantes, a Oaxacan delight, is celebrating its 15th anniversary and on this particular occasion they invited Alejandro Ruiz to make the special menu served from the 15-27 of June. Alejandro is an amazing Oaxacan chef from Casa Oaxaca and believe me it is worth the trip.

Not only you will visit the beautiful colonial Coyoacan but you can sit right in front of the park and enjoy the flavors and aromas straight from the heart of Oaxaca that are made with a style. These days do not even look at the traditional menu nor the wine list if you are going by the glass. From the list of specials there must haves are: hoja santa rellena de queso Oaxaca y queso de cabra, taquitos de pato en mole coloradito, camarones rellenos de cangrejo, and pescado en la salsa de hoja santa. Uffff, im getting hungry again. Alejandro has the magic touch and the combination of flavors explodes in your mouth and flows straight into your heart.

Buen provecho :)

Plaza Jardin Centenario 12
Col. Villa Coyoacan
México, D.F.
TEL. (55) 5554 1213

(55) 5554 2896

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