Monday, August 23, 2010

A VIP Mexican Cuisine Diploma

If you are interested in a cooking diploma from one of the most famous and skilled Mexican chefs, here is your chance to shine. Taller Enrique Olvera ("TEO") invites you to learn the Mexican history though its flavors. Enrique will take you on a journey through Mexico from the pre-Hispanic times to the contemporary style, from Oaxaca to Veracruz and from Saltillo to Chiapas. It may just be the un-forgetful culinary experience for your palate, heart, and soul. Perhaps not so light on your wallet but worth it and you may actually learn something useful. You know what they say, through the stomach to the heart ;)

So if you are interested please contact Ms. Jessica Lizarraga or Ms. Stephanie Shapp. You can also go to

1 comment:

Catriona Brown said...

Hey Marta - your email address on here does not work - can you email me