Monday, April 30, 2012

Music as an Aphrodisiac

Recently I had yet another opportunity to be surrounded by my lovely friends and one story stuck in my little wondering's a story of music and how it has connected and changed us over the years.

My friend was telling us how he used to listed to Italian pop, then to commercial electronic beats, the classic disco beats, and now we have a whole new genre of music that connects us. We were trying to name it and it ended up being the "sexy house".

What I love about it the most is that it has no borders as I personally don't believe in them anyway. Music connects same minded people from around the World and through music, they can understand each other and connect on another level, which one really can't explain. Music is international, no matter which speaking language the artist is actually using. A bit like sex when you think of it. 

Music can make you happy, sad, laugh, cry, remember people and moments in life, dream about the future, give you hope, give you energy, and feel the World around you. A bit like love when you think of it. 

A good music artist can manipulate his or her audience in whichever way they want to as we react to vibration around us. Therefore, music is the ultimate aphrodisiac, because "Music is the Answer" (A. Benoin).

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