1410 is the year during which the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, led by the king Władysław II Jagiełło, won the battle against the knights of the Teutonic Order. This was one of the most important battles in Medieval Europe, and the largest battle to involve knights.
Curiously enough, 1410 is also a recipe for the home made Polish booze called "bimber", think of it as home made vodka just stronger. Not for amateurs I would say. How is that for a tool to teach lazy students their country's history? So here is how it goes:
1 kg sugar
4 lt water
10 dekagram yeast
Of course, you still have to go through the whole distillation process etc. and really, you are better off buying a nice little bottle of Żubrówka or Belveder :)
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