Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gu Restaurant

Does age matter? How about size? No dirty thoughts please ;)

A friend invited me for a degustation at the recently opened Gu Restaurant, fashionably located on calle Presidente Masarik in Polanco. First of all, I don’t know how they found the spot…prime location, generous square footage, and one big terrace. The restaurant, though without a specific theme and with fusion cuisine, is run by a Mexican/French restaurateur and does have upscale French restaurant flair. My two favorite spots are the widely opened terrace and the beautiful opened kitchen. Everything made of stainless steel, separate working places for the pastry, the meat, the seafood, you name it. They have 8 people preparing your meal and they certainly do not bump into each-other. Just beautiful. May I add that the size of the kitchen does not shy away from the size of the terrace. In fact, when I think of a kitchen I want in my dream house, this can be a good model. Given that it’s an upscale type of place, it probably does not fill that easily so you can go anytime and be sure that there is no or minimum wait time for you table.

In Gu, I had a pleasure to dine with the Chef. On one hand perhaps I cannot convey a fully objective regular customer view; however, I could ask and listen to the stories of his dishes and try Chefs personal selection, for which I cannot complain at all. Dish number one was crème brule of Foi-gras. Looks like a desert but tastes like fois-gras only much lighter on your stomach and quite elegantly presented. The big surprise were snails balls. Yet again, no dirty thoughts please. They were little balls with a snail inside. You would really never expect it from the plate. The winner was definitely the bisque of clam juice served with a scallop on a bed of mashed potatoes. Wonderful inventions of the young artist.

The young Chef, believe it or not, is barely 24 years old but let me tell you, when he reaches his 30 springs, you will pay much more for his creations so go to Gu and you tell me if age really matters.

Bonne appétit !
Av. Presidente Masarik 49 corner with Torcuato Tasso
Col. Polanco
Mexico D.F.
Tel: (55) 5545-31-33

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