Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moving to Argentina

Yes, the "Good-Bye Chicken" was no joke. I have moved to the land of mighty cow proudly served on every corner, in every form, and in very generous portions. Interestingly enough, just as I moved to the big juicy steak paradise, I realized that I am not that into meat anymore. I mean I still appreciate a good bloody steak but I am on a mission to discover the hidden fish and seafood scenery of this protein rich country. My mission for now will be to discover the hidden land of ceviches. I will not abandon meat completely and I will only mention the noteworthy meat & pasta places.

I will aslo add other international travel and culinary adventures. It only makes sense as I have been riding my luggage to pieces this year. I managed to turn my Samsonite hard cover suitecase into what remindes me of a piece of Swiss cheese. Let the journey begin... 

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